The Creative Irrational - The Key to Individual Consciousness and Human Success - Table of Contents - free online

by Paul R. Boudreau and Lloyd M. Dickie  


Chapter 1: Humans: Essentially Irrational and Spiritual?

Irrational versus Rational/Creative versus Destructive.

Personal Experiences of The Irrational

The Spiritual

The Link between the Creative Irrational and the Spiritual

Chapter 2: The Rational in Non-Humans




Immediate Pleasures


Chapter 3: Pre-historic/Pre-Literate Human Irrationality

Why the Need for the Creative Irrational in the Human Success Story?


Containing Fire – the Initial Irrational?

Blombos Cave and Pinnacle Point Discoveries – South Africa’s contribution

Cave Paintings in the Dark

Göbekli Tepe Humans’ First Megalithic Constructions

Humans’ first city of Jericho

Summary of Pre-literate insights into the Creative Irrational

Chapter 4: The Spirituality Spectrum

Chapter 5: The Egyptian Bodies of a Human

The Bodies of a Human

The Physical Body – The Khat and The Sahu

The Soul – The Abu, the Sekhem and the Ka

The Spirit – The Ba, the Khaibit and the Akh

The Great Sun God Ra.

The Creative Irrational In The Bodies of a Human

Chapter 6: The Greek Expression of the Creative Irrational

Parmenides – As far as longing can reach

The Classic Greek Metaphor of the Spirituality Spectrum: The Allegory of the Cave

Intellectual Principle – Plotinus

Consistency in the Creative Irrational of Greek Philosophy

Chapter 7: A Modern Allegory of the Spirituality Spectrum: The Gurdjieff Work

Three Brained Beings

The Higher Reasons of Real Humans

Chapter 8:  20th Century Psychoanalysts: Different Paths and Different Insights

Nietzsche and the concept of the “Übermensch”

C.G. Jung

The Creative Irrational in the Human Psyche

Building on Opposites  - From Übermensch to Enantiodromia

Psychoanalysis and the Creative Irrational

Chapter 9: Love, Comedy and Mystery: Power the Irrational



The Mystery of Time and Space

A Summary Evaluation

Chapter 10: Science versus Humanities; Rational versus Irrational - The Irreconcilable?

The Apparent Paradox between Science and the Humanities

The Origins and Evolution of Science

The 20th Century Science Revolution

Levels of Science.

The Consequences

Cautions Regarding Bias in Science

An Evaluation of Where We Have Arrived

Chapter 11: Creative Irrational in Everyone

Impressionable Irrational Creations

Nobel Prizes for Recognizing Humans are Irrational.

Chapter 12: The Essential Human Creative Irrational

Societal Implications of the Creative Irrational

Personal Implications of the Creative Irrational

Bringing it all together – Who am I?